Source: Gandhi- The Writer by Bhabani Bhattacharya
Source: Gandhi- The Writer by Bhabani Bhattacharya
Source: Gandhi- The Writer by Bhabani Bhattacharya
- Rabindranath Tagore (Gitanjali, No.39)
(Source: Gandhi- The Writer by Bhabani Bhattacharya)
- Gitanjali, No.10
(Source: Gandhi- The Writer by Bhabani Bhattacharya)
-Cardinal Newman
- I. Watts
-A. M.Toplady
-Gospel of Matthew
This Was Bapu, (1959), pp. 158.62
(The following 6 letters were written to help Esther; Faering during the days when the announcement of her betrothal) to Dr. E. K. Menon brought a storm of criticism, much of it harsh and ungenerous, upon her head.)
My dear child,
The above is my share in your sorrow for today. May it lighten your burden.
With love,
Bombay, 16th March, 1920
-George Herbert
My dear child,
May there be some line, some word, some thought to soften your grief.
With love,
Bombay, 17th March, 1920
-Richard Baxter
My dear child,
Another evening has come to fill me with thoughts of you. I pass them to our common Maker to make of them such use as He will for your good.
With love,
My dear child,
You have forgotten your promise. Do not keep me without anything from you for so many days. The above is my selection for the day.
With love,
- Trench
My dear child,
I am on the train to Delhi. I could not go out for rest. I sent you nothing yesterday. I could not. This may be my last for some days because I shall not know what will happen from day to day. Do let me have a line from you.
With love,
Sunday, 21-3-20