President of African Political Organisation and member of Cape Town Municipality. Introduced Gandhiji and Haji Habib to the press in Cape Town when they returned from deputation to Britain in 1909.
Satyagrahi. Played a key-role in second phase of the Satyagraha - to test rights of educated Satyagrahis under Transvaal Immigration Law. Sent by Gandhiji to England in 1912, at Dr. Pranjeevan Mehta's expense, to qualify as Barister.
Sent by Gokhale to South Africa, arrived on January 2, 1914. (Refer Associates in India also.).
Indian Parsee barrister settled in England. Member of Parliament for 10 years (1895 - 1906). Helped in educating public in England with regard to the grievances of Indians in South Africa. Chairman of South Africa British Indian Committee, London.
Joint Satyagraha struggle in Transvaal. He succeeded Essop Mia as Chairperson of the British Indian Association in September 1910. He had the reputation of being the man of his words. Gandhi had the greatest regards for him. His son Ali lived at Tolstoy Farm with Gandhi.
Became acquainted with Gandhiji during the plague outbreak in Johannesburg. Minister of Johannesburg Baptist Church. Offered to resign if his pro-Indian sympathies were unacceptable to his congregation. He and his wife nursed Gandhiji after assault on him in 1908. Edited Indian Opinion in 1911 during absence in jail of Gandhi and Polak.
Son of Khushalchand Gandhi, cousin of Gandhiji. A founder member of Phoenix Settlement. Editor of Gujarati edition of Indian Opinion from 1908. He was one of the first 16 Satyagrahis in 1913.
Son of Khushalchand Gandhi. Arrived in South Africa with Gandhiji in 1903. He was in charge of Indian Opinion during the absence of his brother, Chhaganlal. One of the pioneer settlers of Phoenix. Manager of Satyagraha Ashram at Sabarmati.(Refer Associates in India also.)
Founder of Servants of India Society in Poona. Toured South Africa in October 1912 at Gandhi's invitation. Associated with Deccan Education Society's Fergusson College as Professor of Mathematics, English, Political Economy. In 1899, got elected to Bombay Legislative Council. Presided over the Indian National Congress Session in Benaras. Championed the cause of South African Indentured Indians.
He was commonly referred to as Dada Abdulla. He and his brother Abdul Karim Jhaveri were the directors of Dada Abdulla & Co. Dada Abdulla met Gandhi in Durban on his first arrival and took charge of him. Gandhi lived with Dada Abdulla who introduced him to Harry Esconbe. He was the first President of the Natal Indian Congress.
Owner of Tolstoy Farm. A prosperous German Architect in Johannesburg. Became devoted friend and co-worker of Gandhiji. Placed his Tolstoy Farm at the disposal of Satyagrahis. Participated in the great march, confronted white protesters. He accompanied Gandhi to India. Visited Gandhi in Sevagram Ashram many years later. Finally settled in Israel.
A leader of Natal Indian Community. President of Natal Indian Congress. Satyagrahi. One of the earliest traders in South Africa. Spoke English and Dutch well, though without any literary education. Principle contributor to Public Fund for South African Indian causes. Chairman of Natal Indian Congress.
From Burma. M.D.; Bar-at-Law; and jeweller. He met Gandhiji in 1888 as a student and became a life-long friend. He assisted Gandhiji financially from the days of Phoenix Settlement.
A Muslim Indian woman passive resister. Sentenced in Volksrust for 3 months imprisonment together with her mother Hanifa Bibi for crossing the Natal - Transvaal border. She was greatly influenced by Gandhiji.
Born in South Africa. He was one of the most active passive resisters. Officer of the Transvaal Tamil Benefit Society. He and his wife were in Gandhiji's Satyagraha Movement. He accompanied Gandhiji on the Great March in 1913. Arrested for organising a strike in Pietermaritzburg. But the case was withdrawn.
An Englishman, he came to South Africa in 1903. He was assistant-editor of The Transvaal Critique when he met Gandhi, whom he supported ardently. He was one of the most devoted follower of Gandhi, joined the Phoenix Settlement and became the editor of Indian Opinion in 1906. He married Maud (Millie). They lived with Gandhi in his house in Johannesburg and later in Phoenix. He joined Gandhi during the Great March and was arrested and imprisoned.
He was among the very first persons Gandhi befriended in South Africa. He was founder member of the Natal Indian Congress, South Africa. He sheltered Gandhiji on January 13, 1897, when he attacked by a European mob on landing in Durban. He supported the Satyagraha campaign throughout 1907-1914 and repeatedly went to prison despite ill health.
Was a Theosophist and a vegetarian. He was one of the first settlers of Phoenix Ashram. His sister, Ada, who was popularly known as Deviben taught children at Tolstoy and Phoenix Farms. In 1913, he was arrested for harbouring Indian strikers at Phoenix.